
Monday, February 4, 2013

Edward's Convention Tips: Good Advice

This is part 2 of my 3 part series about convention preparedness and general advice! Check out part 1, tips on how to plan before the con, here.

As I said in part one, this is not a "comprehensive, everything you need to know, do and prepare for at conventions" type of post. There are lots of lists like that already out there on the wonderful world wide web if you do a google search. This is just some advice and things I've found help me a lot. Some of these tips are on other lists and some of them aren't.

So please enjoy part 2!

Some Good Advice 

The Con Bag

I always, always take my "Con Bag" with me to conventions. It's just a messenger bag that I carry around with me while I'm at the convention. It's super handy for carrying snacks and most importantly, all the little do-dads I buy from Artist Ally (AA) and the Dealers Room (DR). It's also good for holding any paper work you might collect (business cars, schedules, etc.) and for holding my money pouch and cell phone. I also usually carry a manga around with me for those moments when I find I haven't much to do.

My "con bag." I bought it at my first convention. I like it because it says "Pika Pi" on it. XD

I like having a con bag because I can buy things or have things on me, without having to go back to my room all the time. And a most of the time I don't get a hotel room when I go to the local conventions, so it saves me going all the way out to my car to store/grab things. It's very handy! It can sometimes be a pain. Like, when I'm wearing Sailor Moon (with her long pig tails) and someone asks for a picture, I have to take the bag off. And then as soon as I get the bag back on again, someone asks for another picture. But that is the way of conventions when you cosplay, I suppose.

Overall, the pros out weigh the cons by far, and it's really a nice thing to have.

I also have a "con pouch." It's a little coin pouch I use to put all my important things in, like my credit/debit cards, ID and monies. It's handy too. Because, if you don't know, in real life I use a retro metal lunch box as my purse, and a metal bandaid box as my wallet. Which are both pretty impractical to carry around a convention all the time. The bag and pouch seem to work best for me.

Emergency Bag

This bag contains anything that one might need if you had a cosplay malfunction. Sewing needle and thread (preferably the colors of the cosplay you're wearing), hot glue gun with glue sticks, super glue, safety pins, extra buttons or beads (if applicable), a comb for your wig, hair spray, bobby pins, etc. etc. There are lots of things you might need in this bag, depending on your cosplay. There are almost always "cosplay repair" rooms at the convention, but they might not have that one thing you need. So it's good to be prepared. I use a big makeup travel bag to hold all these things, along with my makeup.

Going with friends

Whether or not you want to go with friends is really up to you. But I have some suggestions either way. 

If you are an introvert, you should probably consider going with friends. Introverts tend not to randomly go up to strangers and make new friends, so you could be bored or lonely if you go by yourself. For me, I'm an extrovert, so going with friends is not such a big deal, because I ALWAYS make friends at the convention. Going with friends is, of course, more fun! Because I have people I know I can be silly with.

If you decide to go with friends, make sure you go with people who are into this stuff. I've gone to cons where the person I was with was not nearly as interested and entertained as I was, and I was constantly finding myself worrying about them and if they were having fun. Completely forget to pay attention if I was having fun or not. And really, you can't have much fun if you're worried or focused on someone else. So keep that in mind if you decide to bring someone with you.

Also, if the someone you are bringing is only going to be there for a day, or a few hours, make sure they have their own transportation! It's not as fun if you have a time limit and have to take them back home. I've missed out on a few things I wanted to see, because the person I was with had to be home by a certain time. 

But the beauty of conventions, is that most everyone is happy and friendly! It's so easy to make new friends if you just talk to people. If you're like me, making friends will be no problem. But if you are very shy or an introvert, you might consider going with some other nerds.

Take Care of Yourself  

I think every "What to do at Conventions" list or blog says this, but it is VERY important, EAT AND SLEEP! There is no way you will have as much fun if you are hungry and tired the whole time.

I mean eat more then just ramen and pocky the whole weekend. Eat REAL food. I listed some suggestions in the Planning portion of this trilogy that are quick and easy, but also filling and better for you. I'm not saying ramen is absolutely forbidden (I like ramen too), but don't eat it for every meal. It's not good for you.

And don't just take a 2 hour power nap and call it good! Get a good night rest! I know that if you're over 18, you'll most like go to the late night events. (I always stay up late and sing karaoke until my voice gives out XD). But most of the events at cons don't start until 10am or so, so you have plenty of time to sleep in. Also, you might find yourself with an hour or 2 where there are no panels or events you want to go to; go take a nap! 

So don't forget about the basics.

What to Do During Down Time 

Sometimes you'll find yourself between events or panels and you've already checked out the AA and DR a dozen times, and wonder what to do with yourself. Here are some suggestions.

Eat: Have dinner or a snack, or go out to lunch with friends.

Check out the Anime Room: All conventions have a room where they play different anime all day and night. So if you're bored, go check it out.

Brush your wig or change your cosplay: It's important that if you have a wig that is shoulder length or longer, that you brush it through out the con, otherwise, by the end of the weekend, it will be a terrifying mess and it can ultimately ruin your wig. So during your down time, run a comb through your wig to catch any tangles before they get really bad. Also, if you have more than one cosplay, now is the perfect time to change.

Take a nap: After a late night of singing karaoke, it might be good if you take a nap if you find you have enough time between events.

Check out the arcade or table top gaming room: There is always an arcade or gaming room at conventions where you can spend some time.

Read a book or manga: I always bring a manga that I'm currently reading with me to the cons so I have something to read during down time.

Do a cosplay check: Every once in a while, when I'm not doing anything else, I like to pop into the bathroom and make sure my cosplay is still looking fabulous. I make sure my wig isn't falling off, that my accessories are in place, make sure my makeup isn't smudged etc. You want to be looking your best for random photos!

Go visiting: I have lots of friends qho have tables or booths in the AA and DR, so when I'm not doing anything else, I like to go around and visit with people.

Be Considerate of Your Fellow Nerds

Shower. Please. This is mentioned on every con list I've ever seen, but that's because it's IMPORTANT! There is nothing more unpleasant than walking around, having fun, and suddenly smelling someone's three day old con funk. So please, for the love of your fellow nerds, shower. EVERY DAY! And put on deodorant. And change your cosplay. If you only have one cosplay, give it a sprits with some deodorizer. These all sound like no brainers, but you'd be surprised how disgusting humans can be. So please, think of the noses of your friends and loved ones, and please take a shower.

Here is a wonderfully hilarious (and kind of old) video of Foamy the Squirrel on this subject. It talks about more than just showering, but he illustrates it well. 

I think that's all the general adivce I can think of. If you have an other advice for con goers, please post it in the comments and I'll be sure to add it to my list!

Come back next week for part 3: Cosplay Advice!


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