So, I'm wondering to myself what I shall write about this week. And it seems that the big topic lately is the "CONsent" movement. Which I'm all for. And I think it's awesome that people are trying to bring awareness to this problem. I have experienced some harassment-- cat calls and such-- but nothing like the horrors I've heard about. I know one close friend of my mind that was getting her photo taken and the creeper told her they could go into a corner and she could flash him. She was so horrified she didn't even know what to say.
I think we can all agree that this kind of thing is really fucked up and should cease immediately. But I don't think it's a problem just within the cosplay community. It is a problem that exists within our entire culture. It is the same kind of attitude as "rape culture." That if a person is dressed in a particular way, they deserve a certain kind treatment. And it may be true, that if someone is wearing something revealing, they may want to be looked at sexually. But it is also true that they can wear those things, and not want that attention. One shouldn't assume what someone else wants or what kind of attention they are trying to get. As far as I know, know one is a mind reader. So saying you "know" what they want-- well, you are full of it. But what we CAN assume, is that no one wants to be raped or sexually harassed. Ever.
I can tell you that when I made my Sailor Moon costume, I didn't think about what sort of attention it might attract. I just wanted to be Sailor Moon and I wanted to portray her accurately. Well, 'accurately' means that my ass hangs out. A whole lot. (And just so everyone knows, I do wear a leotard underneath. And I'm fully aware that everyone can see it.) I guess I'm kind of naive, but I really didn't even give it a second thought. It was accurate. And that's what matters to me. So I was kind of surprised how often people would politely let me know that everyone could see under my skirt. And I am grateful that people are concerned and trying to look out for me. I guess they were worried that I would become a victim of sexual harassment. Which, aside from some whistles, hasn't really happened. And I'm grateful for that too.
Anyway, my point is, I didn't make my SM skirt short because I wanted people to look at my butt. I made it short because her skirt is really short. I don't "want" cat calls. I just want to be Sailor Moon. And I think that's what people are "looking for" when they wear revealing cosplays. They just want to portray that character the best way they can and have fun. That's kind of the point.
So, this isn't a cosplay community problem. This is a cultural problem. And a lot of attitudes need to change in our entire country for this problem to end. Cosplay creepers aren't the cause, they are a symptom of the disease. So if you want to see a difference, get political. Let our country know that this problem isn't acceptable. And make a stand. If you see someone getting harassed, speak up. Step in. I promise, you will be a hero to the person being harassed. I plan on going around the con with an eraser board that says "Cosplay =/= Consent." Because it's a small thing I can do to get the word out about this problem.
And if I see you harassing someone, in the name of moon, I will punish you!
I don't want to go on about this topic for too long. Because a lot of folks have already talked about it, and have made good points more eloquently than I can. So I'll end here. Next week I think I shall do a cosplay interview and lighten the mood a bit.
If you would like to share your experiences and have discussions, please feel free to do so in the comments below!
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