Gaaaahhh!!! What is this?!?! It's Wednesday and I have not posted on my blog yet?? I know... I suck.
But today I think I will start doing a new type of post. I wanted to start doing tutorials on a regular basis, but I just have yet to do anything that I think deserves a tutorial. And the things I have done, there are already tutorials out there for them. I would know, I used them! So I decided that instead of trying to come up with things to make a tutorial for, I'd just share all the awesome tutorials I've found in the past!
So today I bring you: Tutorial Time!! And we're going to kick it off with a moonie related post. Because Sailor Moon is kind of my thing. XD
This tutorial is on how to create Usagi's wig. It's posted by YouTube user Antiquitydreams. People have asked me several times how I created my Sailor Moon wig and I used this tutorial to create both Sailor Moon and Serenity. I think it's the best tutorial I've found so far.
Part 1
Part 2
I hope that some of you will find this helpful! I plan to post many types of tutorials. Whatever I find helpful. What kind of tutorials would you guys be interested in seeing? Do you have a tutorial you could recommend I post? Leave it in the comments!
And now I must pack so I can go out of town! I'm taking my laptop this time so I can do an update post while I'm away!
Hey, This is a totally a new topic to discuss. Thanks for sharing this topic with us !!!!