Before I start, I must tell you that something terrible has happened! The site I've been using for all my adorable onion head emoticons is not working for soem reason! I can't express myself properly without them!! I feel so.... blank... *sigh* But I must carry on! For the sake of the blog... I will try to emote through words, though I feel words can't properly express the cuteness I want to convey.... *again sigh*
Anywho! Today is a general update sort of day. I haven't done one in a while. Which is good. I don't want this whole blog to be all about me.
I'm frantically trying to get everything done before Anime Oasis. *glances at calendar* OH MY LUNA, ONLY 23 DAYS!!! Gah!
I got an unexpected commission last month that kind of threw a wrench in my very tight schedule. But, it will all work out. And I'll have lots of money to blow on nerd paraphernalia now! Hooray! The commission wasn't cosplay related, but I'll share it with you anyway!
It's not quite complete, I still need to add the sleeves and zipper. But I should be finished with it tomorrow.
I have one more commission to do before I can work on my own things. Thankfully it's a super easy one and should only take a day or two. Then I need to finish redoing Sailor Moon. I'm getting close to done on it. The leotard is done, except for adding snaps. I just need to finish making the white waist band and the new collar. Then I have to hand sew a bazillion snaps onto all the pieces. Woo! That should be so much fun. *weeps* And I'm going to order some new boots. Hopefully they will be here in time for me to modify them before AO.
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This is what creativity looks like. |
Then after that I'm going to make as many lolita items as possible until AO gets here. They are having a lolita flee market thing and I wanted to put some items in there. Hopefully I'll get some done in time.
>.< Apparently I'm the only one who is going to have stuff in the flee market so far, so if you'd like to put items in there, I suggest you contact the AO staff!
As for my future cosplays, they've kind of come to a halt. My husband switched jobs and this new job isn't a 'paycheck every two weeks' type. So we are trying to be careful with the monies. Which means no new cosplays for a while. :( It's a very sad thing indeed, but it's not as if I'll have no projects. I still have lots of material to make lolita dress and other clothing. One project that I think I'll do is an every day/beach wear outfit for Usagi. Here is the pattern and material:
I bought the pattern because I thought it was cute, and then realized... it's incredibly 90's. Which is perfect for Usagi. Haha. This is some material my mom gave me and I think it will be perfect. I'll just wander around the con with sunglasses, flip flops, and a beach ball. It will be awesome. And so comfy!
Also, I'd like to say that my mom is super awesome. This weekend she also gave me a bunch of vintage sewing machine attachments!! And oh man, once I figure them out, I'm going to use the heck out of them!!!!
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From left to right: A bias tape foot, an invisible zipper foot, 3 sizes of rolled hem feet, and a ruffle foot. |
Also, I wanted to ask you all some opinions about my blog. 3 things are on my mind.
1. I noticed that I have an average viewing of about 30 people. (And thank you so, so much for reading my little blog!) But I seem to have no subscriptions. And I wondered why that is? Is it that you don't usually subscribe to blogs, or that you don't know how, or that you just aren't that interested? Honest responses would be appreciated in the comments!
2. You may have noticed that all of my cosplayer interviews have been females. This isn't on purpose! It just so happens that the majority of my cosplay friends are girls! So if you have a male cosplayer you think should be in the spotlight, please link me to them in the comments or on my facebook page. I do know a handful of male cosplayers that I plan to interview eventually, but not very many. And if you want to suggest a female cosplayer, that is ok too! I'm going to run out of friends to interview sooner or later and need to have more people on my list! For now I'd like to mostly focus on cosplayers in the Northwest part of the US (Idaho, Washington, Oregon, etc.)
3. What do you guys think so far? Several people have told me they really like my blog, and I'm so glad! But I just wanted some general opinions and thoughts. What are you favorite posts? What are your least favorite? What new kinds of posts would you suggest? Things like that. So let me know in the comments or on my facebook page!
Ok! I think that's all the exciting news I have to share. I'm not sure what I'm posting next week. Maybe a tutorial or another interview. I'm not sure yet. It will just have to be a surprise!!
Much loves,