Sorry about the later than usual post. But it is still Monday! So I'm good. XD My husband didn't have to work today and I played Skyrim for a while... needless to say, I had a few distractions. But now my husband has stolen back the Xbox so I can be productive.
But anyway, what I wanted to talk about this time is something I think is very important! And something I see that is all too prevalent in the cosplay community. First, let me share a picture with you.
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Found on this tumblr |
I'm not sure if that tumblr is the actual artist, but that is where I found it.
Cosplay bullying.
This picture really says it all for me. I wanted to post about this topic anyway, but this reminded me. I also wanted to talk about it because, when I shared this picture on my Facebook, a friend of mine told me that she witnessed someone bullying another Sailor Moon and telling them that their cosplay was not as good as my Sailor Moon cosplay. This made me so upset!! I would never cosplay to make someone else feel inferior! And I hope that that girl doesn't feel that she can't cosplay as Sailor Moon because I'm around.
I think we can all agree that bullying is wrong and we shouldn't do it, right? Well, apparently not. Because I see it a lot. Especially on the internet, where people tend to say whatever they like, knowing they will never have to deal with the consequences of their hurtful words.
There are a few situations I'd like to cover.
"Your cosplay isn't accurate."
First off; I'd like to say, if someone is thinking this, they had better be well informed. Because I know of several girls who have cosplayed as lesser known versions of characters from the Sailor Moon series (such as from the MANY musicals, the live action series, or even concept art for the manga) and they have been told they weren't accurate, because they didn't look like the anime version. But actually they were accurate to the thing they were cosplaying. So not only do you look like an asshole, you look like a very ill informed asshole.
Secondly; maybe it's their very first cosplay. Or 2nd. Or 3rd. We all have to start somewhere. And I'm sure if you look back at your first, you shudder with embarrassment that you ever wore it to a con.
Thirdly; maybe that's the best they could do! Not everyone can spend hundreds of dollars on a cosplay. Some people may not even have $10. Also, maybe they just don't have the skill. Maybe they aren't very good at sewing or altering and they can't afford to have it commissioned, but they still want to dress up. Are we supposed to say "You aren't good/rich enough to cosplay"? I think that's terrible.
And another thing; maybe they are doing a cosplay of a particular piece of fan art or one of their own designs. I have a friend that did fan art of a character she loves, but with a slightly different outfit, and people were always telling her it was "wrong." But it wasn't, because she was basing it off of her own fan art. And who says one can't be creative with cosplay? That's the whole point of cosplaying....
Also; it's all interpretation. It many cases, there are several ways one might interpret a characters costume. Perhaps they saw it in a different way than you. An example is, Sailor Moon's skirt. I've seen many versions people have done of the pleats. Some going the same direction all the way around. Some going opposite directions on each side with a box pleat in the middle. Some with an inverted pleat in the middle. It's all interpretation. Because in most cases, anime/comic book/game character are drawn in outfits that don't work in real life, so you have to do the best you can with the physics that exist on Earth.
Lastly; in my experience, the people who have said something not so nice about my cosplay, weren't even WEARING cosplay. So maybe they are trying to nit pick other people's work, because they feel inferior about their own skills. Which is really the reason bullying happens in the first place. Or maybe you just think you're so awesome at cosplay, that no one can complete with your mad skills.
"You are too fat/skinny/tall/short/large busted/small busted/not muscled enough/wrong skin tone(etc.) to do that cosplay"
I'm sorry, but I don't think anyone ONLY likes characters they physically resemble. So because someone may not look like a character, they aren't aloud to express their love of a character through cosplay? "Oh, that fat Sailor Moon ruined the character for me!" Grow up. Instead of focusing on a cosplay you didn't care for, focus on one you loved. And is your love for the character so shallow that you only care about their appearance? I'd like to know what world these bullies live in, where every cosplayer (or would be cosplayer) is attractive and perfectly proportioned. All body types are aloud to have fun and be creative, last time I checked.Instead of being an asshole, trying being helpful. If you can't be helpful, then be quiet.
"Your cosplay sucks!!"
How does this help anyone? It only hurts someone. How can they know what to fix if they are just told it sucks? Try giving them some constructive criticism. Tell them areas they may improve on. But FIRST make sure your opinion is even wanted. Some people are hurt easily be criticism, even if it's done with good intentions. I always wait to be asked for advice before giving it.
If you simply MUST tell them where they went wrong, point out some good qualities about their cosplay before you point out the bad things. Some example sentences:
"You really should have made the skirt this way, and put darts in the bodice, and done the wig like this." WRONG!
"I really like the way you did the collar! If it had been me, I would have made the skirt this way."
If (in your opinion) you just can't see any redeeming qualities about a cosplay, and you have no helpful advice to give, then just BE QUIET! Let's take a lesson from Thumper; "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Should we not have learned this when we were 5? If you feel the need to go around making other people feel bad about themselves, you have some serious emotional issues and need to seek professional help. I'm serious. If all the bullies talked to a shrink and found out what their problem was, our world would be a lot better off.
And for the victims of cosplay bullying, try your very best to ignore it.
So, to close, I just want to remind everyone, that cosplay should be about HAVING FUN! And about sharing our love for all things nerdy with our fellow nerds. Let's all play nice and have a good time. After all, I thought that was the point.
Love always,
Every day you make me proud that I am your father. The thing I liked about the anima conventions I have been to is the lack of judgment. It does not suprise me that there are cosplay bullies but it does sadden me. A lot of the people I met seemed to be very shy and withdrawn, but when they receive a complement about there cosplay they light up and the smile that comes forth would out shine the sun. We all have an image of the perfect cosplay and unless your one of the ringers at San Diego Comacon who have a the resources of a major study your not going to be perfect. So to paraphrase the wise "Edward" If you can't say something nice than shut the fuck up.
ReplyDeleteThank you, my wise father! ^_^