So I'm really excited about our first REAL cosplay interview. Mine hardly counts. XD Today it is my friend Jen! I met her in 2012, I believe, at Anime Oasis. I have SO much respect for her and her cosplays. She is so amazing! Her sewing skills are spectacular! I hope to one day be her equal. Until then, I will stand close to her, hoping that some of her awesome will leak onto me.
On with the show!
Your name or Cosplay Name:
Jen Glauser (Jenphi)
Photo by Jake Price |
Older than you. XD
How long have you been cosplaying?:
Since 1999. At anime cons, since 2002.
What was your first cosplay?
Sailor Moon. ^_^
Do you make your cosplays, buy them pre-made online, or have them commissioned?:
I make everything myself. As much as I can. ;)
Why do you cosplay?:
I like creating things. I like dressing up. I like pretending I'm some kick-butt gorgeous chick who does awesome, powerful things on a regular basis. ^_^ I've always loved Halloween, and this is a natural extension.
What is you favorite part about cosplay?:
Meeting new people, talking "shop", and pictures. :D
What is your least favorite part?:
Drama and jealousy. Sometimes competitions.
Who is your favorite character to cosplay?:
There are so many! Most of the characters I cosplay are my favorites from that particular series... It's so hard to choose. Saber and Moka are some favorites... and Sailor Uranus when I have a good Neptune around. ;)
Moka from "Rosario+Vampire"
Photo by Tim Boothby |
What is your favorite cosplay to wear?:
Black Widow. So far the comfiest costume to date! ^_^
What is your least favorite cosplay to wear?:
Right now it's Sophitia from SC2 since I've changed sizes since then... and the shoes are still uncomfortable...
What was the most complicated cosplay you’ve worked on?
That's a toss up between Rogue and Black Widow... They both have bodysuits that were complicated in their own way... though Black Widow has a bunch of extra straps and holders and casting... so yeah, Black Widow.
What was the least complicated?
Clearbrook. So easy... and so comfy!
Clearbrook from "ElfQuest" |
What group cosplays have you been a part of?:
Fate/Stay Night, Sailor Moon, ElfQuest, Star Trek: ToS, My Little Pony, Slayers, Final Fantasy VII, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Marvel characters
Wonder Woman |
What group cosplays would like to be part of?:
Disney Princesses, another FF group, maybe Avatar...
Who are some characters you plan to cosplay in the future?
Oscar from Rose of Versailles, Storm from X-Men, Catwoman, Utena, Teresa from Claymore, Devil Belldandy... etc.. There's a long list.
What crossplay characters have you done or would like to do?
I've done Taiki (in the business suit) from Sailor Moon, and I crossdress for Haruka (Sailor Uranus) from time to time, but I don't like to cross-play all that much. I don't make a very convincing guy.
Sailor Uranus from "Sailor Moon" |
Who is a character people say you should cosplay, but you aren’t sure about?:
I get that quite a bit. Either "You should cosplay [tall, but kinda boring character that matches our group]" or "You totally need to dress as [mostly naked female character]." Yeah... I like to be dressed. XD I also like to cosplay characters I have some sort of connection to. I need to identify with that character somehow. Either I like how they act, I admire them in some way, etc. I can't really justify dressing as a character just because they're pretty. (Though I've been tempted to do a character from Lineage 2, even though I've never played!! )
What is your dream cosplay?:
A WoW cosplay. Either my hunter or Tyrande. Sooooo much detail... I don't know if I'll have the time while my kids are still at home during the day. Oh! I'd also love to do something with giant wings!
What is a cosplay you would love to do, but don’t feel you could pull off?:
I'd love to do Deedlit from Record of Lodoss War, but I never have because I'm six feet tall. I feel kind of weird. Maybe someday I'll get over my hangup, but so far, not quite.
In your opinion, what makes a great cosplay?:
Attention to detail, making the characters' costume fit you as a real person, and getting into character. Nice photography is helpful, but doesn't make a mediocre costume great.
At which conventions are we likely to see you?:
I go to the ones in Idaho and I attend Sakura-con as often as I'm able. I love Kumoricon, too, but haven't been back in years. I hope to fix that.
Any advice to other cosplayers?
If you love it, keep doing it. Ask people how they do things. Experiment and keep a crafting notebook where you record your successes or failures. It will save you time later so you don't have to re-invent a process!!
What are some other hobbies you have, other than cosplaying?:
I roleplay, play video games, and read. I have other hobbies, but don't do those so much anymore. Most of my hobbies related to cosplay somehow (sewing, leatherworking, resin casting, sculpting, sketching, etc).
Favorite anime/tv shows?:
I love Fate/Stay night. Sailor Moon and Rose of Versailles are also great.
Favorite movie?:
I love The Last Unicorn and Ladyhawke. Also the new Avengers movie and most of the superhero movies (Batman, X-men, etc).
Favorite books/manga?:
I'm an avid collector of Ah! My Goddess! and anything by Kaoru Mori (Emma, Bride's Story, Shirley). I love the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede.
Favorite video games?:
WoW and Batman (Arkham Asylum/City).
Favorite color?:
Green and Purple.
Favorite food?:
Chocolate and Sushi.
Favorite desert?:
More chocolate (maybe that crazy chocolate cake from the Cheesecake Factory... mmm).
Favorite curse word?
What are some websites where we can see more of you? but I don't update that much. It sort of has a blog. A little. If you're lucky to know me in person you can see my personal facebook page, otherwise you'll have to be content with my cosplay page, Silver Cheetah Designs.
*Is taking notes* Oh! There she was! Our first real "guest" cosplayer! And she's a good one! I hope you all think she's as awesome as I do. Next week I will do a Cosplay Showcase all about one of her cosplays! I think I'll keep it a surprise for now, hehehe.
But anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this cosplay interview! I'm finally DONE talking about myself for a while. Come back next week for Jen's
Cosplay Showcase!