"Edward.... What the hell?"
Oh dear, oh dear.
I can't honestly say I haven't had time or that I've just been crazy busy, because that would be a lie. I certainly have had lots of opportunities to pick up this blog again and get back to talking about cosplay and crafting at any point in the last 4 months. So why haven't I?
Truly, it's because I've been incredibly uninspired by this blog and I haven't been mentally capable of putting in the effort I know is required to make interesting and engaging posts. As I've said in a previous entry, I moved recently and let me tell you.... it's been a lot harder than I thought it would be--emotionally wise. I don't want to bore you with my melancholy, but I have, indeed, been so the last few months.
And of course when one is melancholy, one does not usually partake in hobbies they found enjoyable when they were happy. I've also been very tight financially. On top of that, my husband and I are staying with my parent's in a back room of their house, leaving me not much room to craft things. So I haven't been creating much as of late. Simply, I have had nothing to talk about. Not where crafting is concerned anyway.
But things are slowly getting better. I'm adjusting and figuring out what I'm doing with myself. My husband and I are hopefully moving into our own apartment soon. Things are looking up.
And I've been obsessing over some new hobbies. J-fashion being one of them. Monster High dolls being another. I've been inspired in many things lately, they just haven't been very crafty so far.
So what does this mean for Insane Cosplay? Well, I do really like writing this blog. And others have told me they like reading it and that they like my writing style. So I definitely plan to continue writing on here. But the focus will not be so narrow. I'm going to just take the leap and make this a blog just about me and my hobbies in general. My tendency to hyper focus on one thing and then switch to another thing makes it hard for me to write consistently on one topic.
I will probably have a range of topics: fashion, photography, MH dolls, BJD dolls, cosplay of course, nerdy topics and other crafts I'm doing. It will sort of be a public journal of all my interests and hobbies. And I will be changing the name of this blog to better represent this new range of subjects.
I am somewhat worried that people may not want to read this anymore if its focus is no longer cosplay and crafting. And that will be sad. But I can't write a blog that I'm not passionate about and that feels like work. I want to enjoy writing this blog. I don't want it to be a chore. And maybe I will get a new and varied audience. Who knows. But I hope that people will still like to read it.
So that is it! From here on out this blog will be called "A Girl Named Edward" and will have a varied range of topics, the connecting thing being me.
Thank you all for reading this blog up until now and for your patience. And I sincerely hope you will continue to read it!
As always
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