Ok, I know I’m late. But this time it’s a very good reason. My husband has been out of town for a couple of weeks and he finally got home yesterday! So I spent all of that day shnuggling him!
Sorry, but in my book, penguin shnuggles are more important than prompt blog entries.
Anyway, time for some housekeeping...
So remember a few posts ago I mentioned something about making some changes to my blog? Well, I’m thinking I’m going to make it more about sewing and crafting in general. I’m just running out of things to talk about with cosplay. I do have some ideas for future posts, but not enough to carry an entire blog on. I’m sure if I didn’t post every week I could get away with having this blog be only about cosplay, but I like writing my blog and I want to be consistent (when I don’t forget
) for you guys.
Don’t worry, cosplay will still feature heavily in this blog! I’ll still be cosplaying, but what with our financial situation changing, I won’t be able to start any big projects for a while. I’ll still do the interviews, but perhaps not as often. And I may make this blog a bit more personal. Talking more about my sewing projects. If I do that, I may be able to do tutorials. The only reason I haven’t done a tutorial, is because by the time I think, “I should make a tutorial of this” I’ve already finished it. Or it’s the first time I’ve made this thing so I don’t know if it will turn out. OR I watched or read someone else’s tutorial, so why repeat what someone else has already done? But I will try to share more tutorials in the future.
So what can you expect to see from now on? All the same things I talk about now, just not as frequently, more of my personal sewing projects, more lolita related things, possibly more tutorials, more crafting related things, features on crafters that aren’t necessarily cosplayers.
You may wonder why I’m always talking about starting new blogs or changing this one, and it’s because I have a whole lot of things bouncing around in my head that I can’t talk about with many people and I need to get it out. I’m interested in more than just cosplaying and sewing, I like a lot of things. And I’ve thought about possibly writing a blog about nerdy things in general, so I can talk about more of the things I like. I also really enjoy writing. I think what is going to end up happening is that I’m just going to end up writing a “me” blog so I can get all my feels out in one blog. But I’m not sure if people would even like reading that sort of blog. So for now, I’m going to try to keep my blog ideas separate, so people can just read the parts about my life that they are interested in.
So since this entry was terribly dull, I might do a second bonus entry this week. Nothing too exciting, but some projects and things I am or plan to work on.
Until next time!
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