Heh. Yeah. I have nothing prepared. And on top of that I've posted late. Oh, dear. But I was traveling to go out of town yesterday, so that's a legitimate excuse. And as far as being totally unprepared: Well there was the EQ camping trip and this weekend I'm hosting a Lolita Teddy Bear Picnic. So I've been completing my Lolita dress in time for that. I've also been working on a commission and I did work on actual cosplay. Though it's an OC cosplay. I guess I could show you all that.
So I mentioned in this post that I have been working on an original LARP character. I'm not sure what's going on with the LARP, but damn it, I'm making this OC whether it happens or not. Cus I really quite like it. My character's name is Peacebow. She's a wood elf and... well I'm not sure what else. It would be cool if she was an archer..... but I'm not an archer. So if the LARP does happen, she'll probably be some kind of mage or something. If not she'll be an archer. We'll see. I had her back story figured out.. and then realized that it wouldn't work. Also it was your classic "tragic" backstory. Which is meh. I think she might just be a regular ol' elf that came from a well adjusted home and wanted to seek adventure. Haha. Why not? I'm also figuring out her personality. I think she'll be no nonsense type... though that might be difficult for me, because I quite like nonsense.
Anyway, it's not done. It needs fur trim and I'm deciding if I'm going to put "stitching" along the seems. I dunno yet. I think it would probably look cool. I don't know what I'm doing for pants yet. I think they'll be capri type. And for shoes I'm thinking some tall leather boots that are kept on with leather ties. And for hair..... Well, I tried out a hair style.... It was very fluffy.... AND MY HUSBAND LAUGHED AT ME! He said it looked dumb.
Needless to say I was disappointed. I am not wearing a wig with this. And my hair is in a very non-elfy type of do, so I have no idea what to do with it. *sigh* All the elf hair references I find are all long hair with braids and shit. Elves can have short hair! They live in the woods! Long hair would get a bunch of sticks and leaves stuck in it! Totally impractical. Just like those long flowy gowns. You can't hunt in a full skirt!
*ahem* Ok. Anyways. Yes. So that's my OC. I think she'll be cool and fun to wear. I'll keep you all informed of how she progresses.
In other news-- TEDDY BEAR PICNIC!!
Well there ya go. That post wasn't too bad for pulling it completely out of my ass. It was full of much emotion if nothing else.
One side note.... I'm thinking of starting another blog (they are like potato chips...). I don't know if you all would want to read it, but I'm thinking it would be about Disney movies. I'd watch them in chronological order and give my opinions on them. (If you are my friend on Facebook you'll know I've already been doing this for a while, but I don't mind doing it again. Yes. I love Disney that much.) I'm no expert on movies or anything. But I do fucking love Disney movies. And I love talking about them. A whole lot. But I find I have few people to talk about them with. (Surprisingly my husband isn't so into it.) So why not share my thoughts and opinions with the whole internet!? Nothing could go wrong.
Anyway, I'm thinking about that. I'm also thinking doing yet ANOTHER blog more about my personal thoughts on social things. That one would be quite opinionated. We'll see if that happens. So yeah, let me know if any of you guys would want to read a blog about Disney stuff. You can comment here or on my Facebook page.
Ok. I'm done talking now. I hope you were entertained. And for next week-- FRILLIES!
<3 Edward
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