Cosplay showcase today!!! And it's super duper awesome! It's Samantha Witt with her AT-AT Walker quadsuit! And oh my Luna, It's amazing! I believe I saw it for the first time at Anime Oasis and I was so impressed! I'm excited she picked this one to showcase, because it really is marvelous!!
Imperial AT-AT Walker from Star Wars.
Why did you chose this character to cosplay. Why did you chose it for the showcase?
This is one of my greatest costumes I've ever made. There are no other AT-AT walker quadsuits out there that I can find. I undertook the construction of this costume because I was told it couldn't be done.
What was your construction process?
Well first and fore most I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I've never built a quadsuit before and my only information was copying what I saw on youtube. I have only reference pictures to go off of so the process of building and shaping the head and body was look at the picture, draw on the cardboard and if it looked right cut it out. The legs are PVC pipe and the feet are a combination of couch foam and wonderflex. It took about 6 months to get everything put together, tested and workable. A lot of work but a great pay off.
The things you love about this cosplay.
I love how unique it is. Like I stated before I've never seen another quadsuit version of an AT-AT and it I've never met anyone who hasn't liked it or admired it. I love how it brings smiles to everyone's face when they see it, especially the little kids. It's those moments that make all the work worth it.
The things you hate.
It is so TIRING to walking in and stay in the hunched over position for a long time. I made the mistake of wearing it for 9 hours my first time I ever wore it at a con and I paid for it in the morning. I also have very limited view, which is mainly the floor, so I cannot wear this on my own I have to have a handler with me so I don't bang into people and walls and also to keep people from knocking me over, which is difficult because I am very slow when I am walking around and in cons everyone is fast and hustling about.
A general closing statement and where one might find more pictures of this and other cosplays you’ve done.
This costume is proof that if you dream it then it can happen.
A good place to see this costume along with others visit here:
Didn't I tell you? Didn't I??! She's amazing.
And I can't wait to see all her new cosplays at Anime Oasis this year. *looks at calender* Oh Luna! 10 days until AO!!! *gets back to sewing*
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