SWEET SERENITY!!! Only a couple days until Anime Oasis!! Are you ready? I'm....... almost ready.
But I figured for this entry it would be good to talk about something you will probably experience at a con if you're in cosplay (or wearing anything interesting)-- Getting your picture taken!
I don't know if you know this..... But I love getting my picture taken.
Yes, it's true. I'll admit that I am slightly vain (no, really?) I love photo shoots and being the center of attention. But I realize that not everyone is comfortable with having their photo taken. And may have no idea what to do when someone taps you on the shoulder and asks for a photo. So I'm here to give some friendly advice so that you can look awesome!
DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT a professional model. Not at all. But I have been in several photo shoots so I have quite a bit of practice. So these are just the things I've found that help me look better in pictures. It also helps (a LOT) to have a photographer who knows how to direct a model. But in a convention setting, this is usually unlikely. So we just have to do the best we can on our end. Anyway, on with the tips!
Practice In The Mirror
So this may sound silly, but it's REALLY important! How are you going to know if you look totally awesome or like a total dork if you can't see yourself? So this is a MUST! I always practice my poses and facial expressions in the mirror before I go to a convention. If you feel self conscious, wait until family or roommates are out of the house or lock yourself in the bathroom and just go for it. You may feel like a dork, but this helps so much and makes all the difference!
Be In Character
Think about your character. What is their personality? Are they moody and quiet? Are they bubbly and playful? Are they sultry and seductive? Try to incorporate those things into your poses. You don't want to stand there like a board, staring at the camera with a blank face. People aren't just taking a picture of your costume, they are taking a picture of your cosPLAY. So play and have fun with it! Try to do expressions and poses that will define your character. Look at a lot of pictures or video of your character and really study them.
Do they have any special poses? Sailor Moon is easy, because she's always posing. So if your character has a signature pose, do that!
Do they have a prop or weapon? Incorporate those things into your poses.
If you aren't cosplaying as a particular character-- you're wearing something historical or a j-fashion of some sort, for example-- still try to be in character or in the spirit of the what you are wearing. Look at photos of other people wearing similar stuff to get inspiration. Or just make some poses in the mirror and see what you come up with. The General Tips section below may help you more if you aren't any particular character.
Keep it Interesting
Change it up! Don't do the same pose every time. It's boring for you and boring to look at the pictures afterward. So try lots of different poses and expressions. Have fun with it!
General Tips
I've found that looking straight at the camera is not very flattering. Tilt your head slightly down or slightly up. Or turn your face slightly to the side. Also don't have your body facing straight at the camera either. It looks nicer if you're turned a little. But of course these are all just general. It will depend on your character and what poses suit them. For a character like Ezio, for example, facing right toward the camera is in character. So use your best judgment, and like I said at the beginning PRACTICE IN THE MIRROR! If you practice then you will know if you look all derpy or not.
Also, here are some poses that tend to say certain things about a character. One hip popped up with a hand on your hip portrays someone who is sexy. Legs spread apart and arms crossed portrays some who is assertive. Feet together and hands near your face portrays innocence. Someone with their arms open wide or above their head would portray someone who is playful and friendly. Arms behind the back with your head tilted down would portray someone nervous or timid. These are also general and are just things I've noticed. You can always do some outside research to learn more about body language.
And one last thing-- Right before they take the photo, take a nice deep breath and stick your chest out. It looks nice. And you'll know you aren't inadvertently slouching (unless that's what you are going for).
So those are my photo posing tips! Like I said, I'm no professional, and Luna knows I've taken some pretty derp-tastic photos. But these are just the things that I found work for me. So I hope they are helpful!
(EDIT) I wrote earlier that Tim Boothby does the photo room at Anime Oasis, and I was misinformed. It is another photographer that does it at AO, but Tim does do a FREE photo room at Fandemonium and Tomodachi fest. So go check him out if you go to those cons!
And just so everyone knows, next week I will be posting late, since the convention goes until Monday. I want to do a convention review for my next post. So I'll need time to do some photo editing and I want to make a mini con recap video. I will hopefully post Wednesday or Thursday, but it might be later, depending on how many photos I take.
So I hope to see you all there! Here is my cosplay schedule if anyone wants to say hi!
Friday: Briar Rose/Aruora
Saturday: Sailor Moon
Sunday: Tyleet (early), Alice (afternoon), Lolita Coord (afternoon and evening)
Monday: Alice and/or Tyleet
See you soon!