Anywho! Back to the Cosplay Showcase. Here is Tanglwyst's showcase piece. I think it's super cool! I hope you all enjoy reading it!
Cosplay showcase
Why did you chose this character to cosplay. Why did you chose it for the showcase?
The character I chose here was actually the long, red dreadlock wig. It has a great personality and changes with the Cosplay. Since I do mostly original work, having pieces that can hold their own in multiple forums is vital.
What was your construction process?
The beauty of this wig is the ease with which it was made. It’s yarn. I bought a wig cap at Sally’s beauty supply and wig clips to sew to the inside of the cap. The wig is made of 4 skeins of red-brown-gold yarn. The best thing is that the yarn already looked like dreadlocks.
I sewed the yarn to the wig, making sure I laid down the strands so they were in a natural flow. Inspired by my friend Christopher’s real life calf-length dreads, I made sure the wig wasn’t too bulky by stitching the yarn close on the skull for the upper forward half of the cap. I added forward loose “bangs” to soften the face. The flow is natural and elegant.
The things you love about this cosplay.
It looks so freaking awesome!!! The whole thing only weighs about 5 pounds so it can be worn all day and doesn’t make my neck sore.
The things you hate.
I love this piece. It’s easy to store, easy to pack. The only thing unrealistic about the look from most distances is that it isn’t very heavy, so the weight is less realistic. I’m not sure yet if I want to add beads for weight. It would limit the versatility of the piece.
A general closing statement and where one might find more pictures of this and other cosplays you’ve done.
I love doing original work because my mind tends to balk at doing something someone else has already done. I guess it recognizes that there’s always someone with more skills/money/experience for reproducing something popular. I see the works of Sacha Wells, Samantha Witt, Yaya Han and Jen Glauser and realize I can never be as good at reproducing the anime art. These people make it look easy.
But my mind enjoys beyond all else creating something no one has done before. Even if someone has done a light up Steampunk cane or a wig or a ray gun, they haven’t done THIS. I can’t even reproduce something I’ve done! Every piece needs to be original in some way, or the piece simply will not go together. It can be as simple as moving the buttons or adding lacing or fur, but without that minor adjustment, it just fails. Knowing my mind and creative process is the key to my art.
My Facebook page has a lot of the projects I am working on or have just finished.
You can also follow me on Twitter to see where I’m appearing or see instant uploads.
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My Company, Fantastic Journeys Publishing, can be found here:
I think this wig looks so realistic and cool! I'm thinking when I redo my Sally cosplay I will make the wig out of yarn, since she is a rag doll after all. So I'll have to get tips from Tangl when I decide to do that!
I hope you all enjoyed this Cosplay Showcase! Next week I'll tell you all about my super fun fairy tale birthday party! So be sure to check it out!
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