What was the least complicated?
~The least complicated cosplay I made was Toki from Princess Mononoke. The hardest part of the cosplay was making sure I wrapped the head band correctly. ^_^
What group cosplays have you been a part of?
~I love to cosplay with and in groups! Doing so makes cosplay more fun for me. ^_^ The groups I have been a part of are as follows: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Bunny Girls! (aka Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2), ElfQuest, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, LOTR/The Hobbit, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Princess Mononoke, Sailor Moon Princesses, and Spice and Wolf as well a original design fairy/fae group and a couple steampunk groups.
I have plans to be a part of a Disney Dressphere, Monster High, League of Legends, Sword Art Online, Legend of Zelda, Persona 4, Soul Eater, Gerudo, Soul Calibur V, and Star Trek group in the near future. ( I mention that here since most of those cosplays are either in the works or finished and awaiting pictures.)
Princess Mercury- Sailor Moon (Manga Version) |
What group cosplays would like to be part of?
~I want to be a part of way too many groups. Here are just a few of the ones I can think of at the moment. Warning, I have a huge list. ^_^
Firefly, X-Men, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XIII, Macross Frontier, full Princess Mononoke group, Slayers, Paradise Kiss, NANA, The Runaways, Scrapped Princess, Cowboy Bebop, Last Exile, Samurai 7, Wolf's Rain, Teen Titans, Digimon, Code Lyoko, SBFF (Batgirl, Super Girl, and Wonder Girl) and/or a EBFF (Poison Ivy, Harly Quinn, and Catworman) trio, Ah! My Goddess, ARIA, Dragon Age, Dragon Effect (I want a large group!), Mass Effect, Clannad (this will happen!), Otome Youkai Zakuro, Eden of the East, Soul Calibur IV & III, ... I know there are more that are not coming to mind. What can I say, I love groups
Who are some characters you plan to cosplay in the future?
~This is another huge list. My current work-in-progress list is as follows: Samurai Mulan, Chie Satonaka, Tsubaki Nagatsukasa, Lisbeth, Ghoulia Yelps, Lux~Lady of Lumonsity, Engeneering Officer, Aveil, Natsu (Soul Calibur not Fairy Tail), Wonder Girl, and Moonshade.
Eventually I would love to cosplay more characters, especially the following: Skuld, Akari Mizunashi, Kitty Pryde and/or Jean Grey, Susukihotaru, Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno, Molly Hayes, Merril (Dragon Age), General Beatrix, Sophia Forrester and/or Lavie Head, Izumi Curtis, Sakuyomon, Kastumi Goto, and many more. I also plan to make many other versions of Toph Bei Fong and Sheryl Nome in the future.
What crossplay characters have you done or would like to do?
~I don't crossplay since 1) it does not appeal to me, 2) it would take more effort than I would want to give, 3) I don't generally like male characters and/or outfits. I am quite happy to cosplay girls. ^_^ Howevere, if I were ever to crossplay, which I highly doubt will happen, I would cosplay Heihachi from Samurai 7 since he is among my all time favorite characters and was the first character to convice me to smile as a young teen.
Who is a character people say you should cosplay, but you aren’t sure about?
~Haruhi Suzumiya from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Nearly everyone I know has mentioned that I remind them of her in one way or another and should cosplay her.
Samurai Mulan- Disney Dressphere |
What is your dream cosplay?
~I have many cosplay dreams, but my biggest cosplay dream is to cosplay at least one character from each of the main Final Fantasy games. Another dream of mine is to cosplay Amano versions of Yuna from Final Fantasy X and Aerith from Final Fantasy VII.
What is a cosplay you would love to do, but don’t feel you could pull off?
~This is an easy question. ^_^ I would love, love, love to cosplay Fang from Final Fantasy XIII, but I feel as though I am not fit, tan, and tall enough to do her justice. ;_;
In your opinion, what makes a great cosplay?
~Care and attention to detail. My favorite cosplays are the ones who remeber to add the one or two little details that are often overlooked.
At which conventions are we likely to see you?
~I regularly attended Anime Oasis, Fandemonium, and Tomodachi Fest. This year I will be attending Sakura-con as well. Eventually, I would love to travel to other cons such as Anime Expo, Dragon Con, Comic Con, and many of the midwest conventions.
Any advice to other cosplayers?
~Be respectful, polite, and courteous of others, cosplayer or not. We are all here to have fun and let's keep it that way. ^_^
It's very, very helpful to give yourself too much time instead of too little when making a cosplay or prop. Budgeting is very helpful though it may make you cry when you realize how expensive cosplay is every month. ^_^ Cosplay is very expensive.
Moss Fae - Original Design |
What are some other hobbies you have, other than cosplaying?
~I knit and crochet regularly as well as participate in historical and steampunk costuming. Occasionally, I will read comics, manga, articles, novels, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and wikis when I have the time. I love to read more than I love to sew. I used to have more hobbies, but cosplay keeps eating my time.
Favorite anime/tv shows?
~Another list! I love Cowboy Bebop, Samurai 7, Last Exile, everything by Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, the entire series of ARIA, Princess Tutu, Otome Youkai Zakuro, K-On!, Clannad and Clannad: After Story, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Lost Universe, Appleseed Ex Machina, Macross Fronier, Gundam Seed, Digimon (Seasons 1-3), Scrapped Princess, and Fullmetal Alchemist. As for tv shows, I really like Firefly, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Mythbusters, Andromeda, Star Trek, The Guild, and Code Lyoko.
Favorite movie?
~I really like The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, The Princess Bride, the Bourne series, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Wallice and Grommet, RED, Bulletproof Monk, the Zatoichi series, the James Bond series, the newest Star Trek movie, Seven Samurai, Serenity, Pixar movies, The Butterfly Circus, Tangled, Dark City, Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Favorite books/manga?
~I tend to read more books than comics and manga, but here are a few of each I like. Anything by Steven R. Lawhead and Brian Jacques, The Crown Duel seies, The Runaways, Drama Con, and many individual comics.
Favorite video games?
~I really like Soul Calibur, Mass Effect, Skyrim (I need to play more elder scrolls), Halo, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy X and IV, Kingdom Hearts (especially the first game), Yoshi's Island, and Super Mario Brothers.
Favorite color?
~I cannot choose one color over the other as they are all wonderful. However, I am drawn to greens, purples, blues, oranges, red, and varying intensities of black and whites.
Favorite food?
~Anything with dairy and starch. I am especially fond of chocolates, pasta, cheese, and potatoes.
Favorite desert?
~Cheesecake, ice cream/frozen yogurt, chocolate cakes, and eclairs.
Favorite curse word?
~I tend to use the fabled four (damn, hell, shit, and ass) in various intensities. I also like to make up incredibly odd and off the wall word conglomerates when I'm very frustrated.
What are some websites where we can see more of you?