So I have a perfectly legitimate reason why I am so tardy on my post this week; it’s because I was all out of data on my phone and couldn’t get on the internets.
But I have returned and am now doing all the internet related things I couldn’t do earlier this week.
So I have a perfectly legitimate reason why I am so tardy on my post this week; it’s because I was all out of data on my phone and couldn’t get on the internets.
But I have returned and am now doing all the internet related things I couldn’t do earlier this week.
So anyway, I have a few exciting cosplay related things going on right now. I’ll start with the least exciting and work up to the most exciting!
While I had no internets, it gave me plenty of time to work on cosplay. So I’ve been finishing up Pooh Bear! I’m quite pleased with how it’s turning out.
I tried dying an old crappy wig I had with the sharpie method and that was a complete fail.
Either the wig is too cheap and crap or I didn’t have enough markers (it could be a bit of both). I would have bought more, but none of the stores had the colors I needed. So my Pooh Bear will just have to be a brunette for now.
I also dyed some shorts I found. I had to dye them twice, since with the first pass they came out too yellow and not golden enough. Matching all my golden-yellows has been a challenge, but I think the shorts and the fleece are pretty close. I bought some tights that I thought were pretty close but they are a little too dark and orange. But they will have to work. There really is not much variety in the way of tights at Walmart. AND they do not carry my size in ANY of the colors. So I had to get the next size up. Thankfully they fit ok, but it was very annoying.
My amazing friend Krystal (Who will be Tigger, as I said before. *waves*) bought me the PERFECT honey pot for me to carry around the con. Of course I had to write “HUNNY” on it to make it a realistic Pooh honey pot. She also bought me this cute little Pooh plush to carry with me too.
Then I made this little honey bee pull for my zipper because... well because I needed to.
I also made this adorable bear hat! I love it a whole lot. I’ve never made a hat before and, though it does need a little adjusting, I’m pretty happy with it.
So I only need to do a few more things for it and my Pooh cosplay will be ready for Tomo!
Then I need to work on Lolita stuff. I want to wear Lolita to the tea party at Tomo on Friday. Depending on what I get done, we’ll see if I have a new coord for that. I’m also making a lolita dress for Krystal for the graveyard lolita meet up in November. I figured I should make her a dress since I also kind of recruited her to do a lolita photo shoot with me. The details of which will be revealed at a later date. 
Next up on my list of things to talk about is that I got some of the photos from Fandem back from my brother in law! These are just the color corrected ones and he has to do a bit more editing, but so far I think they look great! Here are a couple of them. I’ll do a whole showcase on each of these costumes soon.
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Sailor Moon Photo: James Wells |
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Peacebow Photo: James Wells |
And lastly, the most exciting thing! 
So last time I said I would possibly be involved with a cosplay photo book. We went on the photo shoot for it a couple weekends ago with a few of my other cosplaying buddies. None of us were sure who was going to make it into the book or not, since there was only room for 2 more people to be in it and the author of the book, Ger Tysk, said it would all depend on how good the photos turned out. The photo shoot was really fun! It’s always nice to do photos with my friends. We laughed and talked and it was great. Afterwards we went and had dinner. It was nice getting to know the author. She had flown all the way from Boston for one day just do these photos! Talk about a labor of love!
Anyway, we had to wait until Tuesday to find out who made it in the book. And I was so happy and surprised to find out that I made it!
I really was surprised because I chose to wear Sailor Moon but there were two other Sailor Moon characters in the book already. If I had known that I would have worn some other character. But I guess it turned out alright because I made it in anyway! I do feel guilty though,
because that means my other friends didn’t make it. I wish we could have all made it into the book, because they really deserve it! I hope she will write a second book and put all the people that didn’t make it into this one into that one.
The most tragic thing about the photo shoot was that I forgot my SM necklace!!
I was so mad at myself!
But thankfully Jen saved the day and using her supplies I was able to make a temporary one for the shoot. So I'm bummed I'm wearing the wrong necklace in the cosplay book, but oh well. At least I have a necklace. Better than nothing.
So if you are interested in purchasing the book, it’s called “Breaking All the Rules: Cosplay and the Art of Self-Expression” and is available for pre-order. There really aren’t very many cosplay books out there, so it’s exciting that I’m going to be in one! 
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SM and WW being silly. I like that we both fight for love and justice. East meets West, baby! WW: Jen |
Well I think that’s about all I have to talk about! Lots of cosplay things going on lately! And here I was thinking that I was running out of things to talk about! I’m not sure what I’m talking about next week. It could be an interview or a tutorial I’m thinking up. I guess you’ll just have to come back and find out!
Oh! One last thing, I finally got 100 likes on my Facebook cosplay page! Woo! I want to do something special for it, but I’m not really sure what. I was thinking maybe a giveaway, but I have nothing of value to give away. Lol. So if you have an idea, let me know!
Until next time!