Here they are!! Our super, duper, fantastic photos from the
EQ camping trip! I'm so excited about these! They turned out so great!
Caleb Wells is really an amazing photographer and I'm really glad we were able to hire him to do this for us.
Just a couple notes before we start: Obviously this is going to be very photo heavy. I'm not going to do a ton of commentary, since there are a lot of photos. But I'll probably chime in every once in a while if I feel so inclined. I won't post who is cosplaying who until the end. If I did it for every photo it would take me all night. So the first time a character appears I'll put their character name, and then at the end I'll list the characters and who cosplayed them along with links to their cosplay pages if they have one.
Ok! On with the show!!
Redlance |
Growin' stuff! |
Clearbrook |
I love this one!! Just like the comic. |
One-Eye |
Kahvi |
She's so happy to gut you. XD |
Bearclaw |
Mmmm. |
Ember |
Dewshine |
I love this one. She's so sweet and demure in it! |
Tyleet |
Grandpa and Granddaughter |
Another favorite of Dewshine |
One of my super favorites!!! |
Bugs! |
I love this one so much! I can't look at it for long or I'll start crying. So perfect!  |
Growin' some shrooms! |
On the hunt! |
Love this one too. |
I love her expression in this one. It's so natural. |
All Robin Hood-esque. |
She's not demure any more! |
Favorite of Kahvi. Totally captured that smug bad ass-ness about her. |
Peeking. |
Travelers |
Relaxing |
The young chief. Love. |
Reluctant leader. Love this one. |
Peace loving elves. |
Father and daughter |
Lovemates |
Mmm, dreamberries! |
Family portrait |
Nightfall |
All of our elves! |
DERP!! Because I seriously can't do a photo shoot without some derp. |
Redlance: Dori
One-Eye: Jon
Chicraft Designs
Dewshine and Nightfall:
Bearclaw: Erik
Edward Insane (me!)
Oh how I love these photos! They turned out so great! Apparently he's going to edit more of them, which will be even more awesome! I think everyone did a really good job on their costumes! Most people only had a couple weeks to get them done!
I'm so glad we decided to do this camping trip and I can't wait to do another one next year! It's going to be Skyrim theme!! Wooo!!! Hopefully we'll be able to hire Caleb again for the next one!
Because so many people couldn't attend this event we are going to do another EQ photoshoot at Fandemonium. We're talking about doing it either the day before or the day after the con, so it's easier to get everyone together and we don't have to try to coordinate so many schedules. So hopefully by then, we'll have the majority of our Wolfriders! Aaahhooooooo!!!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this post! And if you aren't an EQ fan, I'm sorry (you should be though, it's awesome). Next week will be..... Hmmm.. I don't know what next week will be. Something interesting, I'm sure. You'll just have to come back and see!
<3 Edward