I'm so excited to finally be sharing this cosplayer interview with you!! It's of my good friend Jessi! I met her at my very first Anime Oasis and I was so flattered because she wanted to do a little mini photo shoot of my Sailor Moon cosplay! AT MY FIRST CON! I couldn't believe it! And then I found out what an amazing cosplayer she is and was even more flattered!

you see.... Jessi is totally cosplay famous!!!
Ok, maybe she's not
world wide famous, but certainly famous in the Northwest! She's such an amazing cosplayer! And I'm glad I'm doing her and Jen back to back because they are different types of cosplayers. Jen is the "I make everything myself, if at all possible" type. And Jessi is a "I make what I can and commission what I can't" type. And this just shows that no matter how you get there, you can still be an amazing cosplayer and you don't have to be skilled in every type of craft to be so.
So anyway, now that I've totally gushed about how awesome Jessi is, on with the show!
P.S. I'm also excited, because I got to pick out the photos for this one!!
Cosplayer Jessi
Your name or Cosplay Name: (both or either or is fine)
My real name is Jessi, but my cosplay name? I've had several. My local friends all call me 'Jay', but I'm probably best known as J-Sica due to CosplayDeviants. Lately many new friends have chosen to call me 'Sica'. Any and all are just fine by me.
...25. Soon to be 26! How embarrassing....
(Psshht, whatever.)
Final Fantasy |
How long have you been cosplaying?
Honestly? I've always loved costumes. It's common for toddlers to live in their princess outfits, but I never grew out of that phase. My favorite activity as a kid was to put on a leotard and pin a scarf to the back. I would roar around the house pretending to be various beasts. I also used to jump on the trampoline with a towel and claim I was a bat. *Eh hem* In short, costumes have ALWAYS been a huge part of who I am.
What was your first cosplay?
I guess my first 'official' cosplay was at age 10. I wanted desperately to be LINK from Legend of Zelda. It was hand sewn and admittedly, not very good at all. I plan to revisit that cosplay in the future. Slowly, but surely I've been collecting stuff for a new Link outfit.
Do you make your cosplays, buy them pre-made online, or have them commissioned?
I've done all of the above! I have ordered pre-made costumes from the Internet before, but I always find myself disappointed with the quality and fit. Usually, I need to do a great deal of altering to perfect what I've already paid a lot of money for. I don't recommend online cosplay shops. Hiring a local seamstress always provides me with the best results. I can sew, but my skills are mediocre at best and I am such a perfectionist that after finishing a costume myself, I usually refuse to wear it in public due to crooked seams. (Even if others cant see them, I know they are there and it drives me insane!) A lot of people look down on cosplayers that buy or commission their outfits. I think that is a really unreasonable prejudice. It's unreasonable to assume every person has sewing talent and unfair to judge someone's love for a character based on their artistic ability. I wish all cosplayers could simply love and appreciate each other for sharing the same goals.

So true!)
Why do you cosplay?
Hm, that's a difficult question. I tend to cosplay characters I really, really love - characters that I idolize. More often then not, Im attracted to them. Since they don't really exist and I can just go groping cosplay look-a-likes, the closest I can get to my favorite characters is to BE them. My friends have a running joke about my Final Fantasy VIII costume: "Jessi cosplays Squall because that's the only way she'll ever get into his pants."
Blue Submarine #6 |
What is you favorite part about cosplay?
I love when I show up to an event and there are other cosplayers from my game/anime. It's really fun to socialize with them as if I were the character I'm dressed as. Often times I get a really warm welcome. I've had entire groups shout out the name of my character or chase me down just to include me in their gathering.
What is your least favorite part?
Judgement. A lot of people are overly critical of cosplayers. Somewhere along the lines Cosplay was labeled a super-model-exclusive hobby. People who are not flawless with an expertly-made costume, are frequently criticized now. That's really not fair. I believe if you truly love something, you should be able to show that love without having to worry about how pretty you look while doing it.
Who is your favorite character to cosplay?
I have yet to find my favorite character to cosplay.
What is your favorite cosplay to wear?
My Asuka plugsuit. It is my most expensive costume to date. Cost me about $1000. Maybe more. It's a real crowd pleaser. I love the costume's bright colors and the armor is gorgeous! Wearing it gives me a sense of pride and power that my other outfits can't provide.
Asuka Plugsuit
Neon Genesis Evangelion |
What is your least favorite cosplay to wear?
My Asuka Plugsuit. It's very difficult to get into. Plus, the under suit is so tight that the seams have a tendency to rip - just from being worn! Whenever I walk around in it, I suffer from paranoia. Am I too fat to wear something so tight? Do people notice my busted seams? Am I unintentionally going to HULK out of the costume when I reach for something? Is my armor getting nicked?!
What was the most complicated cosplay you’ve worked on?
The most complicated thing I've commissioned was my plugsuit, but the most complex thing Ive worked on personally is my Summoner Yuna costume. There is a lot of detail involved and I'm still perfecting it today. Gunner Yuna is similar in a lot of regards. Both my Yuna guns and Nirvana staff were made by my father and I. Our efforts involved a lot paint and screws.
What was the least complicated?
Hm, I have had several simple costumes; however, it seems like each one has posed it's own challenge. Even the costume I purchase always require alterations. I do a lot of perfecting after they arrive.
What group cosplays have you been a part of?
Y.R.P from Final Fantasy X-2 (As Yuna)
The cast from Final Fantasy IX (As Garnet)
Final Fantasy |
What group cosplays would like to be part of?
Oh, God. Vendetta Cosplay! They are an amazing Swedish group that specialized in Cosplay Music Videos. They've been a great inspiration to me. I also have a huge crush on their member Cim. Whenever she comes on the screen I'm all starry-eyed. Ha,ha. I think they've done a lot for Hetalia and hope to see many new videos from them in years to come. I also admired a local group called XDCosplayDX. Unfortunately, they broke up in 2012. I would have liked to join, but I was always too shy to ask. For a while I was part of my own group called 'Triple J Cosplay'. We did several preformances together, but like all good things, our time together came to an end. Glad I could make some good memories before it happened.
Who are some characters you plan to cosplay in the future?
My costumery is actually on hiatus at the moment. I have promised myself to have all of my current costumes photographed professionally before I start on others. My ultimate goal is one costume a year. This will give me the time and dedication I need to pull together some truly amazing outfits. I've even considered selling all of my costumes after documenting them properly.
What crossplay characters have you done or would like to do?
Thus far I've crossplayed Taki Reizen from Maiden Rose and Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. Crossplay is extremly difficult for me. It's a new type of costuming that I have little experience with. I never feel that I get my makeup quite right - I never look masculine enough. But, damnit! I will persevere! Recently I caught the Hetalia Bug. I'd really like to crossplay Revolutionary War Britain.
Great Britian
Hetalia |
Who is a character people say you should cosplay, but you aren’t sure about?
I receive cosplay requests all the time. Problem is, I'm not up on any new anime or games. Everything I love is from the 1980's - 1990's, but most requests are from newer anime. I don't like to cosplay characters I am unfamiliar with because I can't be 'in character' and I feel like a phony. My friend KittyStar put me in a Kitana outfit so we could shoot a Mortal Kombat set together. I'm more of a Street Fighter fan myself, so I didn't know much about Kitana. I also didn't have the bust or body to represent her properly. I never believe people when they say I did her justice.
What is your dream cosplay?
This is a difficult question. My dream cosplay changes frequently because it's really dependent on what I've become most recently obsessed with. I'm pretty good at achieving my dream cosplays when they hit too. I suppose the one I've always wanted to do is adult Princess Zelda from Ocarina of Time. I've been hesitant to begin her costume because I really hate making armor. I also think it would turn into a really expensive project because I would be such a perfectionist about the details. I'd probably add some of my own to make her old-school dress more extravagant.
What is a cosplay you would love to do, but don’t feel you could pull off?
Guts from Berserk. Because of my curves and feminine face, I'm very limited as to what crossplay I can pull off. Guts is a man's man! I'm simply not tall, toned or macho enough. Guess I'll have to settle for being his faggy-friend Griffith if I ever want to attempt a Berserk crossplay.
In your opinion, what makes a great cosplay?
Devotion. You can tell the difference between a really devoted cosplayer and someone who wasn't entirely committed to their character. Even inexperienced, first time cosplayers are capable of impressing the crowd if they put enough effort into their outfit. Hard work is obvious.
At which conventions are we likely to see you?
I attend ANIME EXPO annually. I think I've been to it at least 7 times now and I don't plan to stop visiting anytime soon. I also show up at most of my local conventions. Banzai & Anime Salt Lake are sure ways to encounter a Jess-sighting.
Samurai Champloo |
Any advice to other cosplayers?
A good wig is crucial. Color, quality, cut. Your hairdo can really make or break your outfit. Regardless of the character's appearance, I never would recommend going with a 'neon' color of any kind. I'd also recommend having a professional hair stylist cut it if you can find one that is willing to help you. Take good care of your wig. It's nice to bring a 'brushing buddy' along with you to comb out the tangles as they occur. Especially if your wig is really long.
Makeup IS important. I hate makeup. I fought wearing it for a long, long time, but the truth of the matter is: It makes a difference. I've learned all I know from youtube videos. I'm still learning, in fact! Applying makeup is definitely an art, but if you put some time into developing this skill, you'll be happy with the results.
If you're working with a simple character design, accuracy is a must. If a cosplay is extremely detailed, little errors and inaccuracies will actually be less noticble then if an outfit is very basic. Take L from Death note for example. His costume is simply a white shirt and jeans, but his jeans have no holes in them and his shirt has long sleeves. His hair is very specific and his eyes are dark. Apply some makeup and wear black contact lenses. Do the hair correctly...all his attention to a simple-characters detail will guarantee you're the best L ever.
Lastly, and this is the most important piece of advice, people...don't take cosplay too seriously. It's become an obsession for me and I can honestly say that it becomes less fun when you become overly involved. A good costume is awesome - it's a source of pride! But 100 good costumes...well, that's just exhausting. Don't loose track of Cosplay's real purpose: TO HAVE FUN! Don't worry what others think of you, don't strive to be better then others. Cosplay because you truely love the character you're dressed as.
What are some other hobbies you have, other than cosplaying?
I draw quite a bit. I won the artshow at Banzai in 2010 and was really flattered that my works were all sold during the convention. I really enjoy spending time with my mom and traveling is definitely high on my priority list. Fitness, I guess, could be considered one of my hobbies, though it's more of an unhealthy obsession than a recreational focus. Lastly, I enjoy philosophy. I spend a lot of time just thinking about what it means to be human, who I am and how I interact with the world around me.
Vampirella |
Favorite anime/tv shows?
3. Whatever anime I happen to be watching currently
2. World War 2 Documentaries
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion
Favorite movie?
Horror! The entire genre! ALL OF THEM. I devour scary movies one right after another - like candy!
Favorite books/manga?
3. Hellsing
2. Maiden Rose
1. Berserk
Favorite video games?
Final Fantasy VIII & Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. These games will always hold a very special place in my heart. When I play them, I am overcome with nostalgia from my youth. I also love Chrono Cross, Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy VII.
Favorite color?
That's a hard question! I love a huge variety of colors, but I guess if I had to choose a favorite, it would be Green. I've kept coming back to that once since I was a little girl.
Favorite food?
My favorite food changes from month to month. I go through phases. Right now, it's the chicken salad from Cafe Rio. Their vinaigrette is amazing! I also really dig the blue cheese and walnut salad from Mimi's Cafe. Oh! My! GOD!
Favorite desert?
Icecream! Icecream of all kinds! If I've had a particularly stressful day, I like to stop by Arctic Circle and get a Rasberry Cheesecake shake. Its my absolute favorite.
Favorite curse word?
'Well- Fuck.' Said very factually. I basically bark it like I'm saying the word 'No.'
The shock value is fantastic since I'm a very tiny girl with a soft voice.
What are some websites where we can see more of you?